NZG Members Lounge Update – 40 NEW Videos

Yesterday we added 40 new videos to the Members Lounge and expect to see another 30 – 40 more videos by the end of the week. The video section is coming together nicely and we are getting lots of positive feedback from both punters who like to see a more real preview of a girl and also escorts who have noticed that their videos have increased their profile hits and bookings, which is great news for everyone!

It was also good to see everyone having a laugh and enjoying the live webcam audio/video chat in the Members Lounge last night, so thanks to everyone that is participating already … it looks to be shaping up to be quite a fun way to get together and have a more interactive chat!

We have been told by a few girls that the private chat is a great way to meet new clients, get to know people a bit better, have some fun and get more business.

The best times to check out the chat room are usually in the evenings between 5pm and 11pm, there is lots of action and good times going on.

Click HERE to visit the members lounge!

Don’t forget to email if you have any questions or comments, we would be more than happy to hear from you.

Chat Room

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